China Leaps Ahead in 6G Race with Record-Breaking 100Gbps Laser Tech

China Leaps Ahead in 6G Race with Record-Breaking 100Gbps Laser Tech

China surpasses Starlink with groundbreaking 100gbps laser communication tech A South China Morning Post (SCMP) report has revealed that China has made significant strides in developing 6G technology, achieving a record-breaking high-resolution space-to-ground laser transmission. This remarkable fe...


China Leaps Ahead in 6G Race with Record-Breaking 100Gbps Laser Tech

China Leaps Ahead in 6G Race with Record-Breaking 100Gbps Laser Tech

China surpasses Starlink with groundbreaking 100gbps laser communication tech A South China Morning Post (SCMP) report has revealed that China has made significant strides in developing 6G technology, achieving a record-breaking high-resolution spac...